„Despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, I have not been able to answer… the great question that has never been answered: what does a woman want?”

Sigmund Freud

2 comentarii

  1. MoniQ said,

    octombrie 12, 2010 la 4:00 pm

    Eu sunt curioasa daca a reusit sa isi raspunda la intrebarea „What does a man want?”, pentru ca mi se pare fix la fel de puzzling.

    • castoritza said,

      octombrie 12, 2010 la 8:31 pm

      Este… pt tine, pt mine, care nu avem nici macar reperul intern al unui reprezentant al multimii 🙂

      Pe de alta parte, nici nu cred ca l-a interesat atat de mult raspunsul universal la intrebarea pusa de tine (din motive evidente… :P)

      Anyway, this was only about me, so I’m ‘a woman’ & Gwen’s character 🙂

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